The goal for SANUWAVE remains unchanged and that is to have the dermaPACE System anywhere and everywhere a DFU is treated.
- Kevin Richardson, Chairman & CEO

SANUWAVE, Inc. (SANUWAVE) a subsidiary of SANUWAVE Health, Inc., is an emerging leader in the development and commercialization of a high-energy, focused, shock wave technology that is used in devices for the repair and regeneration of bones, muscles, tendons and skin, and for the separation of solids and fluid in non-medical systems.
Within healthcare, SANUWAVE’s proprietary, patented Pulsed Acoustic Cellular Expression (PACE ) technology emits high-energy, acoustic shock waves that restore the body’s normal healing processes. This activates biologic signaling which leads to tissue repair and regeneration and blood vessel growth – revascularization and micro-circulatory enhancement.
SANUWAVE produces two devices that employ PACE technology.
The lead device for the global wound care market, the dermaPACE System, is cleared by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment of diabetic foot ulcers. It is also CE Marked and for sale in select international markets for acute and chronic defects of the skin and subcutaneous soft tissue.
SANUWAVE's other PACE product, the orthoPACE System, is CE Marked for orthopedic and musculo-skeletal indications. The orthoPACE System is NOT CLEARED by the FDA for use in the United States at this time.
SANUWAVE has also patented the use of its shockwave technology in non-medical fields, including energy (improved/enhanced oil recovery), water (purification), food (bacterial reduction), and industrial effluent (particulate separation), and is working toward licensing/partnership relationships.

Creating a brighter future by providing novel and cost effective solutions, focused on societal needs with the sole purpose of bettering lives everywhere.
To be viewed by the world as a diverse compassionate global family that provides positive impact on life and environment, one shock at a time.

SANUWAVE's Commitment
to Diversity and Inclusion
At SANUWAVE, we strive to promote diversity and inclusion. This progressive approach to team building is what empowers our organization and fuels creative and innovative technological advances worldwide.