International Markets
For International Markets, SANUWAVE presents
the dermaPACE and orthoPACE Systems.

SANUWAVE's lead device for the global wound care market, the dermaPACE System, is CE Marked for use on acute and chronic defects of the skin and subcutaneous soft tissue. It is for sale in select international markets.
For detailed information about the dermaPACE System, including treatment, Global indications and use, safety and FAQ, please view the dermaPACE System product page, here.
The orthoPACE System is CE Marked for orthopedic and musculo-skeletal indications.
The orthoPACE System launched in Europe for orthopedic, trauma and sports medicine indications in 2010.
For detailed information about the orthoPACE System, including treatment, Global indications and use, safety and FAQ, please view the orthoPACE System product page, here.

Use the map below to find countries with regulatory approval to market and sell the dermaPACE and orthoPACE Systems: