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Dr. Jayesh Shah

Medical Director, Northeast Baptist Wound Healing Center

San Antonio, Texas

It helps you with regeneration of the tissues. It helps you with new vascularization to create new blood vessels mainly in diabetic microvascular disease.  ...The treatment usually last two to four minutes and it's not really complicated. It's pretty easy. This is a good alternative for patients who are not healing.  It's completely brand-new technology; it's kind of breakthrough compared to what we had so far in wound care.  Video  


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Dr. Jeffrey Niezgoda, 

Medical Director at AZH Wound and Hyperbaric Clinic

Milwaukee, WI

Studies have shown that when you treat tissue with sound waves, you stimulate growth factors and pre-angiogenic cytokines that then develop a vasculature under the tissues. And obviously that correlates with wound healing.  I believe that the sound waves actually have other benefits.  In addition to the pre-angiogenic cytokines I believe there’s anti-inflammatory cytokines.  We have noticed a decrease in overall wound inflammation when we’re treating with dermaPACE®.     Video


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Dr. Windy Cole

Adjunct Procfessor and Director of Wound Care, Kent State University College of Podiatric Medicine

Independence, Ohio

PACE® therapy, as a non-invasive adjunctive to standard of care that may initiate the healing cascade and shorten wound healing, provides a novel therapeutic modality for these difficult to treat chronic wounds.  By improving microcirculation and oxygenated hemoglobin, PACE® therapy encourages the regeneration of granulation tissue and skin in chronic wounds.      Poster      TWC Article


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Dr. Brian Harper

Clinical Director of York Medical

Newmarket, Ontario, Canada

Results using SANUWAVE’s dermaPACE® System has been very positive in treating diabetic foot ulcers. We put dermaPACE to use on complex DFU that have not responded to the best practice applied to wounds longer than 6 months with a marked improvement. Highly recommend that you add this device to all advanced wound centers.    Case Study


Larry Lodico Pic, Wound Care Clinic of S

Larry Lodico

Clinical Services Director,

The Wound Care Clinic of South Jersey

All of our diabetic foot ulcer patients patients that have completed 6-10 weeks of treatment have 100% healed. All patients had ABI’s above 0.5 or had no peripheral ischemia with lower limb threatening disease. We are grateful to Sanuwave for providing this remarkable technology.    Video  


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Dr. David Blumfield, DPM, F.A.C.F.A.S.

Chief of Podiatric Surgery

Memorial Herman Memorial City Medical Center, Houston, TX

I have used the dermaPACE®  System in my office since the fall of 2019.  It has helped heal severe diabetic wounds that were headed towards amputation. In my opinion, it works as well as HBO without the cost and risks to the patient.



Dr. Perry V. Mayer

Medical Director

The Mayer Institute (TMI), Hamilton Ontario

The dermaPACE® System has been particularly effective in speeding the healing process through improved microvascular perfusion in patients with diabetic, distal ischemia. We were also able to observe how the dermaPACE® System affects the healing of primarily closed wound sites with a dramatic reduction of edema, from between 3-4+ perioperatively to negligible amounts after the third shockwave treatment. The introduction of shockwave therapy to the mix appears to hasten the overall healing affect (wound margin annealing) and allowed the patients to return normal weight-bearing activities sooner.

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Dr. Anna E. Sanchez, DPM

Resident Podiatrist at New Step Foot Clinic

San Antonio, Texas

It is ALWAYS about the patient. We have to stop the high rate of amputations.  I treat an average of 70 DFU patients a week and of those, 40% - 45% receive treatment with the dermaPACE® System.  I am seeing on average a 12% healing rate per week.  I credit this increase in healing rates to using the dermaPACE® System and its ability to increase modulate inflammation, increase perfusion and new capillary formation.




Kerry T. Thibodeaux, M.D., FACS

The Wound Treatment Center at Opelousas General Health System

Opelousas, Louisiana

Results using SANUWAVE’s dermaPACE® System have exceeded my expectations in treating diabetic foot ulcers. We put dermaPACE® to use on complex DFUs that have not responded to any other advanced modality in my clinic and are impressed to see the improvement leading up to complete wound closure. We are now planning on using dermaPACE® earlier in the treatment regimen, as a beneficial response treatment of chronic DFUs so that these patients’ wounds heal faster and avoid advancing to a more serious stage.


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Mahmoud Ahmed Mohamed

Acting Business Unit Manager, Taiba Medserve Medical Devices 

Oman Medtronic, Muscat, Oman

To describe the Magic in wound care DFU, it will be the ESWT DermaPACE®.


First case:   63 yrs old female, DM with neuropathic foo, on insulin.
Neuropathic ulcer (chronic over 10 months). Osteomyelitis under treatment.
Second case:  (chronic over 3 years) 40 yrs male, DM with neuropathic foot, amputation  in 2017 for the big toe,  BMI 42, Peripheral Vascular disease, DM type 1 diagnosed in 2002.      Case 1        Case 2


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Dr. Peter P. Balingit

Interim Chief of Managed Care ServicesLos Angeles County Department of Health Services

Los Angeles, California

This technology stimulates angiogenesis in the limb. In a patient with diabetes, we normally have decreased blood flow to the foot. This decreased blood flow starves the tissues and causes a skin breakdown and ulcerations. By applying this dermaPACE® technology, we stimulate blood flow to these starved areas, which improves wound healing. When my patients were randomized in the study, we saw a remarkable rate of closure.


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Dr. Roberto Cassino

ICCS - Diabetic Foot Clinic and Vulnology,

Milan Italy

I have been using the dermaPACE® System on various types of pressure wounds, typically on hard-to-heal wounds older than 6 months. The results have been fantastic. I am seeing impressive rates in wound area reduction and healing, results that help me to better manage my patients’ wounds. My goal is to educate my colleagues on this new, non-invasive method of treating pressure wounds.


Diabetic Foot Ulcer Treatment.  Shockwave Therapy.

3360 Martin Farm Road, Suite 100 Suwanee GA United States 30024

(770) 419-7525

(770) 419-8634 (fax)

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